The Future Of Technology. Low-Code.

6 min readMay 15, 2020


What is all the hype about?

There is no doubt that today’s world has gone completely digital. This has impacted businesses tremendously. Now they have to come up with innovative ideas to prove and maintain their digital presence in order to remain competitive in this age of technological domination.

Traditional software development is still a popular option for many companies for a number of reasons: some are set in their ways and are afraid of migration; some just don’t know any better. However, as the business excels and advances, so should its software. This is when the entire digital development ecosystem becomes overly complex, and toxic.

Does this sound familiar:

- “I’ve got so many ideas to scale my business but I just can’t find the right programs to use!”
- “The software maintenance is so expensive! I don’t know what to do!
- “I know I shouldn’t keep all my data in spreadsheets, but I just can’t afford to hire experienced developers right now!”
- “I wish I hadn’t decided to build my own app. I had no idea there were so many coding languages…I’m so confused!”
- “Developing software takes so much time! I practically neglected all my clients to finish working on this application!”

You must have often heard these complaints or even felt something similar. What if there was one extremely viable solution that could make all these frustrations go away?
That would be crazy, right? Well, meet Low-Code!
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few years, you have heard about Low-Code Development. Let’s dig a little deeper and see what it means and how it can solve your business problems.

This video illustrates just how easy it becomes.

What is Low-Code Development?

Low-Code Development is a disruptive and revolutionary method of software development.

The Wall Street Journal predicts that low-code platforms will grow 70% by year 2025. According to Gartner Low-code platforms will be responsible for more than 65% of all app dev activity by 2024.

Image courtesy Graphite GTC

Low-Code outclasses traditional ways of developing software and allows you to stop worrying about technology and instead focus on your business. With Low-Code, you can get rid of all the difficulties and potential barriers that could come into the way of expanding and scaling your business. How, you ask? Well, Low-Code operates on a drag and drop mechanism where the solution is developed just by making a logical flow between various business entities using a flow chart.

Imagine that you have to build an employee onboarding solution for your business. Traditionally, you would have to hire a team of very expensive software developers to design and develop a solution for you. With low-code however, you can easily manage it by generating a logical diagram flow from candidate shortlisting to candidate interviewing to HR registration to department designation, so on and so forth. This is not even the best part! Low-Code allows you to develop the entire software with little or no technical knowledge. So, the HR director can develop that onboarding solution by themself. The department gets a highly efficient solution, tailored to their needs exactly with minimum workforce and at a much lower cost.


Benefits of Low-Code

The following are some of the key benefits of using low-code:

  1. It allows you to build complex software applications with little or no technical knowledge.
  2. It’s very fast. For example, LayrCake’s unique Low-Code technology can build secure, scalable solutions in 60% less time. You get a complete application that you can start using immediately.
  3. You do not need to worry about hiring a complete development workforce.
  4. This process is extremely cost-efficient. You do not need to pay huge bucks to inhouse software developers or to third parties.
  5. Software maintenance becomes easy. In fact, it’s so easy that even Software Architect alone can model, design, and build a complex software application using Low-Code.
  6. No micromanagement on the developer workforce.
  7. You can develop extremely complicated applications such as IoT applications using the low-code flowchart design model.
  8. Unlimited scalability. You can efficiently scale your software application to cater to the growing business needs and industry trends.

Impression of Low-Code

Every potential solution comes at a cost. No technology, solution, or approach is 100% error-free. Although Low-Code has revolutionised the way tech industries and businesses operate, there are some limitations of which you should be aware.

  1. LayrCake sets itself apart from other Low-Code vendors whose customers become limited by their tool. The LayrCake platform is based upon S.O.L.I.D principles, this allows for extensible systems, micro-services, and all the features that would be available had you built it yourself and more. Whether you build in-house, outsource or use a Low-Code vendor platform, the situation of being locked in remains true for all.
  2. With hand-built software packages the issue is exacerbated when a key employee or developer wishes to move on to new employment and takes all their valuable platform-specific knowledge with them. With LayrCake this is not the case, not only do you get to market faster but you become part of a much larger ecosystem of knowledge, expertise and have all these and more at your fingertips.
  3. Competitive Low-Code systems are considered as monolithic, tightly coupled entities. As a result, you cannot create an Application Program Interface (API) for reusability. This is definitely a big problem in the era of social media, digital wallets and open banking. LayrCake makes possible distributed services and scalable architectures that trump the traditional approach with speed and ease. Build large scale micro-service based architectures that scale and adapt to the size of your business and needs.

Having read all the benefits, it’s easy to see why Low-Code is taking over the world. It’s simply too good to ignore.

Imagine you are designing a gaming PC for yourself. Are you going to build all the hardware yourself, all the sound and video cards, motherboard, the processing unit? Probably not. Of course, you could, but it would cost you much more time, money and in all likelihood a lot of tears. Same with Low-Code, you can decide not to use it, but it will come at a cost.

The recent pandemic brought a massive shift in adoption of Low-Code. With IT departments overwhelmed with sudden demand, Low-Code helped companies and businesses stay afloat, which just goes to show that it’s very reliable in times of crisis. Low-Code bridges the gap between business and technology and allows you to stay independent whatever happens inside the outside world.

One of the top reasons why companies hesitate to adopt Low-Code is the state of their current data. When there’s a lot of complex legacy data migration becomes a difficult, expensive process for the whole company. LayrCake’s excellent Migration and Integration services take the burden off your shoulders, speak to one of our Professional Operatives available online now.

There are so many reasons that companies, small, medium and large enterprises are turning away from the traditional; excited by their new found powers to do big and impress huge. Stakeholders are loving the big returns on their small investment into massive future gains forever maintaining their position ahead of the curve.

You’d be missing out by missing out, so without doubt it’s time to switch out the old and Power Up with the New LayrCake.

Learn more about how LayrCake can help your business — get in touch with us now.




Written by LayrCake


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